Special thanks to Matt Adelson for suggesting this!
Of all the people who need no introduction on this blog, the most introduction-unneeded is Heironymous Bosch, though you may be wondering why I'm featuring a Medieval painter. First, look at his painting The Garden of Earthly Delights, one of the most famous paintings in the world:
If you squint at the right panel (hell), you may notice a harp. An Oklahoma Christan University music student named Amelia was looking over the painting and discovered a hilarious detail in the most insane part of this astonishing painting:
See it?
Your eyes are not lying to you - that's a piece of music on a man's butt. The right panel is about Hellish tortures, and in this case this man has become an instrument (get it?!?) for a demon. It's written in the usual format for Medieval music, and Amelia decided to transcribe the song in modern notation.
(Click for larger view)
This discovery of course set the internet on fire. In addition to Amelia's MIDI realization, there are many other mixes and realizations, and considering how essential his piece is to music history and the fabric of the universe those versions are all awesome. I'll just include the original MIDI version for brevity's sake, but when a demon threatens you with anal beads after writing a song on your rear end, you'd better play that piece in every possible iteration.
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